Product Discovery
Lay the groundwork for the development process by analyzing, prioritizing, and refining ideas, tech stack and requirements.
Product Discovery: Why?
It is important to identify the users’ major pain point and address it in the product. We help you focus on the most important parts of the system, so you can design a logic, functionality , and scope that will keep your initial investment low. During the discovery phase we can help you :
Identify your target users, market and competitors
Define a valuable MVP scope
Choose a cost-effective tech stack & architecture type
Make accurate time and cost estimates
Get prepared for the investors pitch
Design fast-implemented & minimum-cost product launch
MVP Vision & Scope
The first stage of the discovery phase is designed to better understand your vision for the startup and answer the main product questions about the target customers, competitors, business model, and pains we need to address. After careful market analysis and a series of interviews, our team designs the overall product scope and moves to the “requirements scrubbing.”

Here we discuss which features are truly part of the “minimum viable product,” and which should be added at later stages. From this discussion, we prepare the Product Backlog, which divides all the features into release stages. This is also where we handle preliminary time and cost estimates for the product.
Product & MVP Backlogs
Product Discovery
Required Team Plan
Time & Cost Estimates
Market/Competitors Report (*optional)
1,5 week
38 h
Tech Architecture
The architecture stage is where we look at your requirements and consider the product’s technical aspects. It’s important to have an architecture that lets you securely scale and expand your product beyond the initial MVP.
System Architecture
Product Discovery
Tech Stack Options (frontend, backend, database, 3rd-party services)
Cloud Infrastructure Recommendation
Scalability Plan
1,5 week
28 h
MVP Vision & Scope
Discovery pacK*
38 hours
1.5 week
28 hours
1,5 week
66 hours
2 weeks
Team Hours
* Discovery Pack includes all analysis steps (MVP Vision & Scope and Tech Analysis)
** Analysis steps could be implemented separately
Team Hours
Team Hours
Have a startup idea?
Our team of business analysts and technical experts came a long way discovering user requirements/problems, generating the solutions, prioritizing the features, preparing the product plan, and implementing and preparing the product for its initial launch. Today the startup is already a successful product with multimillion-dollar investments.
Stone Labs did a great job of understanding the requirements of our business and helping to build the IT strategy. They got excited about our project and worked toward completion. As a startup we were extremely happy with the MVP they built!
Tom Finn,
Co-founder, LeggUp
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